Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tenderfoot by Mary E. Trimble

Tenderfoot is a finely written strong-woman story, although I think it would also appeal to male readers because it portrays strong (and good) men as well. It is a suspenseful romance with plenty of action, the primary focus being on the actual and terrifying 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Lots of humor sprinkled through the story as well.

I'm not really a romance reader (although in my early teen years I devoured Zane Gray books), but Tenderfoot held my attention from start to finish. It's a modern-day western, set in the Northwest ranch country. Trimble's extensive research on Mt. St. Helens and ranch life added layers of credibility to her characters' story and appealed to my own taste for nonfiction. I really liked how she presented the volcanic eruption process as news reports at the beginning of each chapter. When I reached the chapter without the news blurb, a chill went down my spine! The tension builds and by the time I finished the book, I was definitely glad to be "off the mountain"! I was also glad to have read the story and heartily recommend it to adult and younger readers.


Mary E. Trimble said...

Terri, thank you for this lovely review. I'm so glad Tenderfoot resonated with you. It was a fun book to write and a dream (or nightmare, when I thought about the eruption!) to research.

Terri McIntyre/Stronghold said...

My pleasure, Mary. (and exciting for me to get a response from the author herself!) Looking forward to reading your other books.

Kelli said...

I look forward to reading it! I'm a historical romance fan.